Mistral WAudio W-4000 Filtro antirumore audio di fascia alta Filtro di alimentazione AC Power Conditioner

Mistral WAudio W-4000 Filtro antirumore audio di fascia alta Filtro di alimentazione AC Power Conditioner
Product Price: $85.99 USD
Product Model: Mistral WAudio W-4000
Shipping Weight: 3.5 Kg
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The electricity network in our homes or workplaces is exposed to different interferences for instance electromagnetic interference (EMI) generated by appliances connected to the same network (refrigerators, air conditioners, computers etc.). These interferences are not only produced inside your house or office but by all appliances in your building or even outside it and can differ on the time of day or week when the traffic on the electrical network changes. All these interferences which we call noises can get into your AC power and interfere with your system. This ldquodirtyrdquo electricity can have a negative effect on performance of your audio-video system.

WAudio power noise filter is a great way to limit the negative noises from your electricity and to isolate your system from the contaminated power and has a feature to indicate the correct power phase.

Thanks to the W-4000 you will be able to enjoy a better quality of your audio and video equipment.

The contaminated electricity has also a negative impact on internal circuits and power supplies of your equipment and because the W-4000 works as a buffer between the wall socket and your gear it will help to increase the longevity of connected components.

Removable IEC type power cord gives an option to upgrade your system with a premium audiophile power cable in any time.

Mistral WAudio W-4000 High-End Audio Noise Filter AC Power Conditioner Power Filter Power Purifier with EU Outlets Power Strip

Mistral WAudio W-4000 High-End Audio Noise Filter AC Power Conditioner Power Filter Power Purifier with EU Outlets Power Strip

Mistral WAudio W-4000 High-End Audio Noise Filter AC Power Conditioner Power Filter Power Purifier with EU Outlets Power Strip
Mistral WAudio W-4000 High-End Audio Noise Filter AC Power Conditioner Power Filter Power Purifier with EU Outlets Power Strip
Max Spike Volt: 3000V
Max Surge Current (8x20s): 1000A
Max Clamping Volt (8x20s): 470V
Noise Filter: >-10dB (2-100MHz)
Sockets: 4 Direct, 4 Filtered
Rating: AC 250V 15A Max.
AC Power, Power Consumption: 220V~240V 50Hz, <0.1W
Dimensions (H x W x D): 9 x 14 x 44.5 cm
Weight (net): 3.5 kg / pc