Fullmusic 300B-N Metal Screen Gold Pin Vacuum Tube Mesh Plate For Audio Tube Matched Pair

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300BGourd shaped ceramic white base gold-plated feet
300B/N Shooting of 5V font physical image of eggplant shaped white porcelain base
It is a dome shaped or eggplant shaped glass shell, a white ceramic base with four gold-plated legs, a direct heating oxide cathode, a mesh plate electrode, and a graphite plate electrode transistor.
Purpose: For audio amplifiers, with an output power of 8.5W.
Outline diagram and pin wiring diagram: The outline diagram is shown in Figure 1, and the wiring diagram is shown in Figure 2
Standard working status and parameters:
Heating voltage *... 5V or 2.5V
Heating current: 1.2A or 2.4A
Plate voltage: 300V
Gate voltage * *... 58V
Plate resistance: 700ohms
Plate current: 60mA
Magnification factor: 3.85
Gate current A
*AC or DC filament power supply
**The AC filament power supply grid or plate circuit is connected to the center head of the secondary of the filament transformer, the DC filament power supply, and the power supply circuit of the grid anode is connected to the negative end of the filament.
Average characteristic curve:
Figure 4 shows the characteristic curves of plate current and plate voltage corresponding to several groups of gate voltage. (AC filament voltage supply)
Extreme working usage value:
Maximum plate voltage: 450V
Maximum board power consumption: 40W
Maximum plate current (when using fixed bias)
Maximum plate current (when using self-sufficient bias): 100mA