Psvane KT66 GE Electronic tube Replica UK GEC Matched Pair Replace 6550/6L6/EL34

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The price is for one pair. we also can provide the matched quad!
The beam power tetrode KT66GC/KT66GE has an anode limit power dissipation of 25W. Use A1, AB1, AB2 class amplification in audio amplifiers. Hot wire heating
UH………… 6.3 V
IH………… 1.27 A
extreme rating
Tetrode connection Triode connection
Anode voltage……………… 500V 400V
Second gate voltage…………400V
Anode power dissipation………… 25W 25W
Second gate dissipates power...3.5W
Cathode current……………… 200 mA
Voltage between hot wire cathodes......... 100 V
first gate resistor
When self-biased
0.5 MΩ
When bias is fixed
0.1 MΩ
Interelectrode capacitance
Tetrode connection method Triode connection method
Input capacitance………… 16 8.7 PF
Output capacitance………… 11.5 15.8 PF
Cross-circuit capacitance......... 1.1 7.2 PF
static parameters
ri……………… 22.5KΩ
RL………… 2.2KΩ
Recommended working status (reference value)
Single tube class A1 amplifier, triode connection
Ua, g2………… 400 250 V
-Ug1………… 38 19V
Rk(per tube)……………… 600 Ω 350 Ω
RL……………… 4.5 2.75 kΩ
Ia(0)……………… 63mA 60mA
Gm……………… 5.5mA/V /
ri……………… 14.5KΩ /
Pout……………… 5.8W 2.2W
Dtot……………… 7% 6.0%
Push-pull tube class A1 amplifier, triode connection
Ua, g2………… 400 250 V
-Ug1………… 38 20V
Rk(per tube)………… 600 Ω 360 Ω
RL……………… 4 2. 5 kΩ
Ia(0)……………… 2X 62.5mA 2X 55Ma
ū(………… 80 V 40 V
Pout……………… 14.5W 4.5W
Dtot……………… 3.5% 4.5%
Push type AB1 amplification, super linear connection
Fixed bias Self-bias
Ua……………… 552 450 V
Ug2………………525 425 V
-Ug1…………67 35V
Rk…………………… 560 Ω/
RL(a-a)…………8 7kΩ/
ū(…… 127 V
Ia+g2(0)………… 2×35 2×62.5 mA
Ig+Ig2(max.sig)…… 2×80 2×72.5mA
Pout……………… 50 32W
Dtot……………… 3 2 %